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Showing posts from October, 2018

Latest update

Hey guys Here's a quick update on what I've been up to. On Wednesday Sam called, you know the guy from CBBC.  Sam and another producer skyped me and my mum.  We went over my application they asked loads of questions and tested me on my knowledge of CBBC TV shows and celebrities. I did pretty well and got most of the questions right, so let's wait and see what happens next. On Friday I went back to Makerlab.  This week I drew sketches of trophies, which I will eventually create.  I used a Mac computer to make my sketches 3D and polish the sketches up a bit. During the next sessions I will add a background to my sketch.  It's a long process but, a very interesting one. I was given information about a website to look at called Fusion 360, which is similar to what I used during the session. Once I’ve had a good look at the Fusion 360 website I will fill you in. I'm so excited and looking forward to creating something speacial. Oh yeah, one last thing, you know I